I think people are grossly mistaken. The phenomenon of uneven reactions
between girls and boys is not really sexual discrimination, but actually
the way God has actually made us.Though both are constantly under a
rose-painted illusion, they are very different illusions.
Let me demonstrate with the example of three attention freaks (and I mean that in the most unoffensive way) - Guy, Girl 1 and Girl 2. [And if you are expecting me to narrate a love triangle, you are watching way too many Hindi movies.]
Scene 1
Girl 1: Ooh la la...I'm female fatal. I GOTTA upload this photo.
*Uploads photo*
Girl 2: OMG! She looks like a whore. What has she added like 200 kilos? But let me ego massage her, I need her to like MY pic later.
*Girl 2 comments - Super like darling! Looking gorgeous. Luv you loads...muah muah :* :* *
*Girl 1 comments- Love you too sweet heart. Miss you hun. muah muah :* :* *
Guy (stalking in the sidelines): Huh! Fucking lesbos!!
Horny guy (raps): Oh new picture by my crush #23. If I like her pic, she might totally fall for me.
*Horny guy comments - Hey, beautiful pic :) ♥♥♥ *
*Girl 1: Hey! Thank you sooo much*
Horny guy: Oh I'm good at this. I've got her hook, line and sinker!
Within 10 minutes 14 Girl 2 replicas and 17 Horny guy replicas have liked Girl 1's new pic.
10 minutes later, Girl 1 likes Girl 2's newly uploaded pic and process starts from the beginning.
Scene 2
Guy: I look so sexy in this photo. Let me upload it.
*Uploads photo*
Girl 2: Hmmm, that's an okay looking photo. But I don't think I should like it, he will think I am too easy.
Girl 1: Hey that's a nice photo, let me like it.
Five years later, guy has ruined his life in pursuit of Girl 1 and has now taken up drinking cheap local rum bought from stolen money.
So you see guys, pls start thinking with ur brains not with ur asses. One of the reasons why the ugliest girls in my account gets 20 likes minimum on her profile pic while the most handsome guys get a maximum of 5. Next time you see that happening, don't cry out that it's discrimination. Its all for your own good. Its saving you from turning into a drunk!
That reminds me, I have to change my picture! :P
Let me demonstrate with the example of three attention freaks (and I mean that in the most unoffensive way) - Guy, Girl 1 and Girl 2. [And if you are expecting me to narrate a love triangle, you are watching way too many Hindi movies.]
Scene 1
Girl 1: Ooh la la...I'm female fatal. I GOTTA upload this photo.
*Uploads photo*
Girl 2: OMG! She looks like a whore. What has she added like 200 kilos? But let me ego massage her, I need her to like MY pic later.
*Girl 2 comments - Super like darling! Looking gorgeous. Luv you loads...muah muah :* :* *
*Girl 1 comments- Love you too sweet heart. Miss you hun. muah muah :* :* *
Guy (stalking in the sidelines): Huh! Fucking lesbos!!
Horny guy (raps): Oh new picture by my crush #23. If I like her pic, she might totally fall for me.
*Horny guy comments - Hey, beautiful pic :) ♥♥♥ *
*Girl 1: Hey! Thank you sooo much*
Horny guy: Oh I'm good at this. I've got her hook, line and sinker!
Within 10 minutes 14 Girl 2 replicas and 17 Horny guy replicas have liked Girl 1's new pic.
10 minutes later, Girl 1 likes Girl 2's newly uploaded pic and process starts from the beginning.
Scene 2
Guy: I look so sexy in this photo. Let me upload it.
*Uploads photo*
Girl 2: Hmmm, that's an okay looking photo. But I don't think I should like it, he will think I am too easy.
Girl 1: Hey that's a nice photo, let me like it.
Five years later, guy has ruined his life in pursuit of Girl 1 and has now taken up drinking cheap local rum bought from stolen money.
So you see guys, pls start thinking with ur brains not with ur asses. One of the reasons why the ugliest girls in my account gets 20 likes minimum on her profile pic while the most handsome guys get a maximum of 5. Next time you see that happening, don't cry out that it's discrimination. Its all for your own good. Its saving you from turning into a drunk!
That reminds me, I have to change my picture! :P
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