Hello, GNU/Linux
knowledge seekers,
I assume that you have
got accustomed to installing, using ubuntu comfortably. The more you
get knowledge about UNIX comamnds, the easier will be the operation
of ubuntu. You will have to add some repositories if you want to add
some softwares. Most of the people would add repositories in the
graphical way, i.e., they would open ubuntu software center,
then they would click on Edit -> Software Sources. If
ubuntu demands for a password, then they would enter it. Then
Software Sources would open. Then they would click on the tab named
as Other Softwares.
After that, they would click
on +Add. Then another
window would open. And the users will enter the repository name in
the text field, and will click on +Add source. Then
ubuntu software center would refresh it self so that the software
which is linked to that repositiry would appear in software center.
Uff!!! so many steps! If you try all these in non-graphical
way, then it would be too fast and will save the time. The standard
command to add a repository to ubuntu software sources is as follows.
So open termainal by pressing ctrl+alt+t.