Hello, GNU/Linux
knowledge seekers,
I assume that you have
got accustomed to installing, using ubuntu comfortably. The more you
get knowledge about UNIX comamnds, the easier will be the operation
of ubuntu. You will have to add some repositories if you want to add
some softwares. Most of the people would add repositories in the
graphical way, i.e., they would open ubuntu software center,
then they would click on Edit -> Software Sources. If
ubuntu demands for a password, then they would enter it. Then
Software Sources would open. Then they would click on the tab named
as Other Softwares.
After that, they would click
on +Add. Then another
window would open. And the users will enter the repository name in
the text field, and will click on +Add source. Then
ubuntu software center would refresh it self so that the software
which is linked to that repositiry would appear in software center.
Uff!!! so many steps! If you try all these in non-graphical way, then it would be too fast and will save the time. The standard command to add a repository to ubuntu software sources is as follows. So open termainal by pressing ctrl+alt+t.
Uff!!! so many steps! If you try all these in non-graphical way, then it would be too fast and will save the time. The standard command to add a repository to ubuntu software sources is as follows. So open termainal by pressing ctrl+alt+t.
add-apt-repository <repository name>
you are adding the repositories through terminal, ubuntu software
center won't be able to refresh itself. So you'll have to refresh the
software center manually. The command for that is as follows.
sudo apt-get update
refreshing the software center, you can install the software which is
associated with the repository which you have just added to software
center. The command for that is
sudo apt-get install <
software name>
This is the example to install libre office in ubuntu 10.04
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-gnome
WARNING : It is strongly recommended that users should un-install open office before installing libre office in ubuntu 10.04.
I hope that the readers managed to understand the method to add repositories in non-graphical way. But be careful, add repositories only after chcking its originality. Because there are some repositories which contain softwares which can destroy whole ubuntu system
If the users mess up the repository system of ubuntu, then they need not to worry. They can manually repair the repository system. Here is the method. It is advised to follow these steps only if the users have messed up their repository system. Don't do this for experiment.
Open the file browser nautilus with root utilities, Command for that is
sudo nautilus
Locate the text file sources.list. That text file will be in the folder etc. Open that text file using gedit. Delete all the contents of that text file. Save the file. Run this command in terminal.
sudo apt-get update.
Now you've removed all the repositories from your ubuntu system. Now go to this website,
Select your country and version of your ubuntu. Check the repositories from ubuntu branches. You can trust them, so you can add them without bothering about their originality. Be careful while checking the 3rd part repos. You can comfortably check the repositories under Ubuntu Updates, Ubuntu Partner Repos and Ubuntu Extras Repos. After you've checked the repos which you wanted, scroll down to the bottom and click on generate list. You'll get new official repos.
Now open the sources.list text file with admin settings. Copy the new official repos into that text file, save it. Then run update command again. Bingo! You've the new repositories in ur ubuntu system. This is only for those who messes up their repository system.
I really appreciated your article. There z a big advantage that installing anything through non graphical way so as there wl be lot of time saving n speed wl be faster than compared to installing methods by other operating systems except linux family. In windows there are lot of meroys than compared to ubuntu , etc I.e lot of high edition of softwares are available to windows in common way . The programmers of linux systems I.e ubuntu, red hat , etc will hve to put up the knowledge of lengthy n difficult command s on their mind. Apart frm this disadvantage there should be a lot of reduction in commands for accessing the linux operating systems. So that minors , juniors can access the operations of ubuntu, red hat , etc without learning all commands for the same. That z my opinion for bringing more advantages on linux operating systems. I dont know what to comment further as I'm nt the computer engineer. Thank you
Operating a operating system though terminal or through command prompt is more fast that operating in graphical way. But many people still use graphical methods. For such users gDeb package installer was developed. It works in a similar way as windows software installer works. And there is common misconception that UNIX commands are generally very lengthy and is difficult to learn. But UNIX commands are generally one line commands and you can execute multiple UNIX commands at a time by using asterisk(&) between different UNIX commands. This is an added advantage. Once you get comfortable with UNIX commands you'll feel like me. So speed of Gnu/Linux operating systems is generally more faster than windows operating system.
ReplyDeleteGreat writing! Clearly, a lot of your thought, editing, and experience has come together in this article. My only criticism is that one of the commands has been presented in a black-colored font, which is not reader-friendly on the dark-grey background of your blog text. Please keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteSrikanth: Thanks, bro :) That black colored font was a mistake, and I won't repeat that mistake again. Keep sharing my blog and read the articles and pass the comments.....
ReplyDeleteFor sure, Ajay. :)
ReplyDeletePlease see my new article :)